Web sites for experts and novices

Editorial Office
1999 South African Journal of Information Management  
Knowledge management has evolved into a complex field, comprising organisational, behavioral and technological components. Definitions of and approaches to knowledge management vary according to the emphasis placed on constituent components. Most definitions include the core understanding that knowledge management is a process of developing a framework or system which enables an enterprise to select, capture, organise and store or re-use knowledge within the enterprise with the objective of
more » ... ctively utilising knowledge for learning, problem solving and decision making. The variety of definitions available, however, reflect the variety of approaches to knowledge management practice from developing information technology infrastructures and distributed network knowledge modelling tools to creating a knowledge culture within an enterprise. There are a number of areas of controversy, perhaps the most important centering around how and where the distinction may be drawn between the vending of software systems and the practice of knowledge management. Knowledge management sites similarly reflect a number of differing approaches. Sites range from extremely comprehensive meta-knowledge sites that contribute to the creation of a knowledge base, enterprise information portals, educational and informational sites to small sites provided by software companies. We have selected representative sites with the intention of providing an introduction to the range of knowledge management sites that provide quality content in breadth and depth, and have included sites of interest to the South African researcher. @BRINT.com: The BizTech Network
doi:10.4102/sajim.v1i1.65 fatcat:cnr6qvrdlnd3di353m2nerbd3i