Travel Guidance for People with Diabetes

Izadi Morteza, Hosseini Mahboobeh Sadat, Pazham Hossein
2015 International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health  
Diabetes is a disease which occurs by lack of insulin production or its inappropriate function. Patients with diabetes who take insulin suffer from high blood sugar and face unique challenges while travelling as their schedules for insulin dosage and blood sugar regulation change. Therefore they need to organize carefully how they have to travel, instruments they should take, the actions they must accomplish and vigilances they have to regard. Patients with diabetes have to prepare a list
more » ... ting of the type and dosage of medications they should take and tools them must carry which their doctor advice. Although there are general advices for all patients with diabetes, every single one needs specific observations according to his/her physic and health level. Patients with diabetes must gather information about the destination and draw a whole image of their trip in order to take the stress out as much as possible. Meanwhile, they should take all kinds of vaccinations according to their destination at least four weeks before travelling. Special diets and physical actions have to be considered as well and patients must match the taking of insulin with the destination time and also mind the direction of traveling (north, south, west or east).
doi:10.20286/ijtmgh-0304128 fatcat:uetzs2hy4za2jb77jm3hvtr2za