Application of Activated Carbon Towards the Repeal of Coomassie Brilliant Blue

S. Sivakumar
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
This study illustrate the preparation of Activated carbon from Arecanut shell and its application towards the repeal of Coomassie brilliant Blue (CB) dye from aqueous solution. The optimum initial concentration (5 ppm), optimum contact time (30 minutes), optimum amount of Areca nut shell Carbon (2gL -1 ) and optimum pH were determined. The percentage removal of CB was increased at low concentration and at low pH. When the amount of Arecanut shell Carbon (AC) was increased, the percentage
more » ... of CB also increased. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were tested and they proved the feasibility of adsorption process. The adsorption capacity of Areca nut shell Carbon (AC) was found to be 18.40. The result shows that Areca nut shell Carbon (AC) has the potency to remove Coomassie brilliant Blue (CB) dye and hence used as an adsorbent to eliminate dye from waste water.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.8303 fatcat:kygkigj2ajgbbd2pfyyhmz3h5m