Field Investigation of Damages and Performance Evaluation of Longtan Truss-Arch Concrete Bridge in China

ALI FADHIL Naser, WANG Zonglin
2011 Procedia Engineering  
Longtan truss-arch concrete bridge is located near the mountain of Longtan in the east of Jilin City in the east north of China. This bridge crosses the Songhua River. The damages inspection of the bridge structure must be taken each member to evaluate the structural performance. The main objectives of this study are to inspect and classify the damages of Longtan truss-arch concrete bridge structural members, to determine the compressive strength of concrete, corrosion of steel reinforcement,
more » ... check the leveling of deck, and to evaluate the structural performance of the bridge structure members. Ansys ver. 10 software was used to analysis the internal forces. The field tests adopted in this study are: (a) compressive strength of concrete test, (b) corrosion of steel test, and (c) static load test. These tests are used to evaluate the state of a bridge structure. The results of the appearance investigation and field tests show that the bridge structure state is in good, but piers and arch rings suffer from cracks, reinforcement steel corrosion, and spalling of concrete. The results of static load test show that the deflection, strain, and cracks development meet the requirements under test loads. Therefore, this study recommended the repair and strengthening of damaged members of Longtan truss-arch concrete bridge.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.293 fatcat:4jkfrmcoefaobg5zy5yolhg4qy