Interrogative Construction in Aceh Language

Maria Ulfa, Mulyadi Mulyadi
2020 Arbitrer  
The article deals with the interrogative construction in Aceh language. This study used a qualitative approach. The study aims to find out; (1) kinds of interrogative words in Aceh language (2) interrogative construction in Aceh language by using X Bar Theory. The data in this study are Acehnese sentences that contain Interrogative words. The data sources in this study are (1) Acehnese dictionaries, (2) Acehnese Book, and (3) Acehnese speakers. The data collection process by an interview with
more » ... e Acehnese speaker in Langsa and data analysis used X Bar Theory. The results of the study show that;1) there are eight kinds of interrogative words in Aceh language especially in East Aceh dialect in Langsa such as: a) Pue. peue, b) Soe, c) Hoe, d) pat, dipat, e) pajan, f) pakon, g) padum, h) pane, i) pakiban. There are three categories of interrogative construction;(a) Open Interrogative, (b) Close Interrogative, (c) Rhetoric Interrogative. The Structure of the sentence in Aceh language constructs by using of the specifier, complement, and Verb. Specifiers put by NP and Complement put by Auxiliary, PP, or NP and Adverb can be preposition by PP or NP.
doi:10.25077/ar.7.1.45-50.2020 doaj:71ca5dd9b6fc4edab42d6f43256d010a fatcat:cdppr6lxovfxtn7wbf5mpqhchu