ICF-Based Disability Survey in a Rural Population of Adults and Older Adults Living in Cinco Villas, Northeastern Spain: Design, Methods and Population Characteristics

Jesús de Pedro-Cuesta, Magdalena Comín Comín, Javier Virués-Ortega, Javier Almazán Isla, Fuencisla Avellanal, Enrique Alcalde Cabero, Olga Burzaco, Juan Manuel Castellote, Alarcos Cieza, Javier Damián, Maria João Forjaz, Belén Frades (+11 others)
2010 Neuroepidemiology  
Disability Assessment Schedule. Participants screened positive for disability underwent an assessment protocol focusing on primary care diagnoses, disability, lifestyle, and social and health service usage. Participants screened positive for cognitive functioning went through in-depth neurological evaluation. Results: The study sample is described. Usable data were available for 1,216 participants. A total of 625 individuals (51.4%) scored within the positive range in the disability screening,
more » ... hile 135 (11.1%) scored within the positive range of the cognitive screening. The proportion of positively screened individuals was higher for women and increased with age. Conclusions: Screening surveys represent a feasible design for examining the distribution of disability and its determinants among the elderly. Data quality may benefit from methodological developments tailored to rural populations with a low education level. Abstract Background: This article describes the methods of a door-todoor screening survey exploring the distribution of disability and its major determinants in northeastern Spain. This study will set the basis for the development of disability-related services for the rural elderly in northeastern Spain. Methods: The probabilistic sample was composed of 1,354 de facto residents from a population of 12,784 Social Security card holders (age: 6 50 years). Cognitive and disability screenings were conducted (period
doi:10.1159/000311040 pmid:20523075 fatcat:mrpf2yx3hrclfhnzgiixp4lqyq