A Handbook for Inter-Professional Practice in the Human Services: Learning to Work Together

Eris Web Journal, Böehler
2012 ERIS Web Journal   unpublished
Subject This book provides a diverse account and analysis of key issues of interprofessional work including the viewpoints of service users and carersand thus provides one of the initial books addressingvarious perspectives in this area. Extensive changes in society lead to different educational needs in order to enable effective interagency and interprofessional working arrangements. This book aims to show "not only that we need to be able to work better across professional and agency
more » ... s for the benefit of service users and carers, but also that there are ways and means of putting in place mechanisms and skills and promoting values which will result in improved provision and outcomes in jointly provided social and health care services" (8). Content 332 pages of text provide the reader with an introduction, 3 main sections comprising of the book's core content and a particularly useful index at the close. The three main sections cover: Part 1: Key issues in interprofessional and interagency working in health and social care (key generic issues). Thissection provides an overview of the subject of interprofessional working, covering conceptual and practical aspects as well as contextual issues focussing on policy and professional aspects. Part 2: Interprofessional and interagency working with different service-user groups: This section provides case studies and exercises to focus on and learn from with anpractical application within specific areas and service users. Central issues of care versus control are discussed hereincluding their varying application across the professions and agencies.