Inexpert Radiography

W. Watson
1935 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Nov. 30, 1935 CORRESPONDENCE MEDCALJE URNAL 0 2. He has his examination at the hospital on (say) Monday, and if he is alive' on Saturday (say) the result is reported to him by the radiologist on his weekly two-hour visit when he examines the whole of the week's films without haviing time to read a single clinical note or to see a patient before he dashes off to his next hospital. Between his visits the local doctors do the interpretation as best they can. Radiologist" complains that the average
more » ... practitione'r has little knowledge of interpretation; but whose fault is that? So far I have been able to attend one course of clinical radiology-a private one given by Dr. L. A. Rowden, and one without which I could have done
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.3908.1073 fatcat:s6e4xoqxv5ga5cdslayiwvj2qi