Application of Resistivity Sounding In Groundwater Investigation: A Case Study of Rimin Gado and Tofa Local Government Areas of Kano State, Nigeria

Auwalu Lawan Yola
2012 IOSR Journal of Applied Physics  
Over thirty Vertical Electrical Sounding survey were carried out in Tofa and Rimin Gado local government areas of Kano state. Dynamic water level from open wells was also collected and was used as a guide for the selection of the electrode spread. The schlumberger array with a maximum electrode spread of 100 m was employed in all the points. Results from the sounding data indicates that the area is generally underlain by five geoelectric or geologic section which include Lateritic top soil or
more » ... teritic sand, Silty sand or Sandy clay, Weathered basement or Clayey sand, Fractured basement and Fresh basement. Based on the result obtained the weathered as well as the fractured basements forms the aquiferous zone within the study area, with the weathered being more promising. The resistivity of these zones varies from 9 to 1640 Ωm with an average value 255 Ωm, while the thickness varies from a value of 1.66 to 28 m with an average value of 10.67 m. Depth to this zone varies from 5 to 31 m with an average value of 8.1 m. The study also shows that the Rimin Gado area appears to have more potential for groundwater development as compared with the Tofa area.
doi:10.9790/4861-0211418 fatcat:kcpjienbyrh3xavpnpxog66tnu