British Medical Association

1930 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
MEMOR&NDA. dEDICAL JOUBRN haeniorihage), and onliy one other gave rise to aniy anxiety -chiefly on account of her menital conidition. This was the onily case of septicaenia. The renmaining eiglit cases were all mild inifec-tionis; two of themn were scarcely ill at all. It would seenm, therefore, that though the presenee of hlacniolvtic streptococci in a culture from the uter-usespec(ially if it is ani abundanit, nearlI pure growtli-Shou1d be looked upon as a potentially ser1ious matter, it does
more » ... niot necessarily justify a grave plogiiosis. Secon(dly, it miay be noticed that though strict isolation of the 10 patients wlho harbour-ed lhaemi-iolvtic streptococci wa1s imiipossible, the infection wvas not transferred except possibly in one instance-to another patient in the hospital.
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.3605.242 fatcat:7icf7mzz4jg75bwygb66zo56da