The Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, May 28, 1914] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
INLAND BRITISH OOLUMt^lA. THURS VY. MAt 28. 1914 , M«y 2S-!nUTp«tiim cor-'The object tea brtl«e.-n Sir Ui.h*rd Me-"I** '< *«>Pt to «»ch the Korth foie, here b«™ found in e fcreet In r-JElANS SEIZE COAL MIS Act, -------roere Conetltutloa Of Provh^Ul control •OC*® lor UritiebCol todMv v JT^ 'ore»»n o*ee from Cemenl Cerria? " r '"*• "" -opportunity _ to compete for trade in .k.. . roported dlKorery ban been or-"^o.! mines near Bnttin C.N.R. a,reeauA*^hm-.^^,^Vf.^. P-emment. by^F««h r io u» t >
more » ... -a that the puce the C«mdlaa ColumfiU premier i. IneUtlng under the control ■ over-Of ratee ,is 1.1"! -•"" »'■ •• u 1 that the _ K.rMe U" provlnoe'e control of ____ ^ _ f: the Canadian Northern Padfle, jialatton __ ewre-"Have before me oopy of rteolu-Borden to Premier McBride on V done Canadian Northern Pacific with hj,y 35 propoeale »• legmt! to rates over line in BrttUh had hem. =ar^Uy conewlrTN orths ĈHim'SGW . CONIES! PUESSINC at Wrtrea aald the relW «ouk ed M public propercim. The ^pwaiea are valued a* eever-^ mill^ of dolUia. The oooflacaii"*-!!?* ^ Inclnded K.OOO ton, . "**. " °» «*«• »hlch It la aaU will bn aold and the uaed lot the CowrtltutloBaJ. AIRMAN'S R>»CUE. ghoc. n-d n the plots «l,o.n-ng t ihocndlesb story London, Hay »7._'The report that INI and l»14. P~^SabU. He ^*SABT» SHOCKS LV CANAL ZONK Colon, Panama, Hay 17 -a Mfthdiuk. hhock, hSSnf umn' S^iS-SS7. de«atbe Um Mioek ^ ^wtedge up tT^jJlu of My damagn to tho canal. HOT WAVE IS east. _**y »ave of HUERLA REIW WlilNG TO Ira PRESI c», Mgjr »-«eporu remhr immU b, c yemafdnjr through pcfvau .a. Pnerto ourne. eajr Pteetdent Hnmta has and the 0 Committed hlamelf to tan «ver the <0 the aoi toe^theCWMSiMr ^^t.T:;staZ:u-i':rT^'sr'jrr zM Lillimo •BySDffmiGEnES Ei .Ulequelely rn^igmu poet-^ doa of province wltn regard to ,«»»« propoeata. aul adds; that the position of aU the provinces Nardenere are becoming when the varying degree and akill of the young founded. Voik. May 27 -Sir Conan WaAdngtaa. May DoyU, the British novelist, aocom-eaatgned to the Hi ponied by Lady Doyle, arrived in U HeHeo. whh* bed beii h,pt ta inorpoooL »-*nrT nAmr. • h.. ' ' pert of the propoewlthie UU aid mum be enpended in completion i" ff" CanadUn Northen Pacific, *"'Big it their ecUve euppot*. the '■* that y., ;-no* we.1 snoan ui Toniui. ««, **** of Shielde eUehed oqranised on the Inltutlv. the a League. The School t«> htve pidmd him up eildeaUy wm and teedhlng etaO an also * "■ ' •*^^«^«»eot in I •o'«> EhgUnd had stood Ren One. was leportnd to have rmm^m entomnei, toed tt an* porUoh of the eyetem Mmuld l'•"" •**"« ' obvlopUy be decUnd a.-work for tbkj e»«oclated with the e » clomly advantage of Canada, UnUaa "io"* »Ue, as it faiU to is made, no part Archer and hU aeeieUUe to 1 keep them up to the mark. Many of the cnitdrcB are ihowing a girai amount 'of interest, while some on Use other | hand appear to have lost heert to a leufthr two wtok. of dlecumon, the CJf.R. Hrf^thTdato ""' Uwa, impoalble to -1« cf the UMPoewi md could lie «. toiki from Atlantic to Pacific be-.. MbJect to control q( IWderal . jgteent and Pedenl Ra bray PASSED! Ottawa. May a»-After | NATIONAL STRIKE THREATENED INEN6EAND' I The EngUMi govenmeot.' he Said to Heerta had base UadMi . ■followa pubUc opinion, and thus tar to Mhmeo. from the Oenaaa public opinion has not demended the Bavmte. Both etoamen bah «r of esk." ThU la hie fiikt vhdt to this eona fry for twenty yisn. i a first Kr Rkhard followed with bttir ecpUinlng the BrlUMi Cotum-aid Ha poaltlon and asking Uu. a reading yesterday efte^ioon. and '"'Atw be iBwrwT H'lniniiM tool sr * aKond nedidg kag as BriUkh ColuntoU is a guarrThSTlKrTJ»-wUl-lJi.^tro^^ mni ahtor of bonds nothing to toe act on toe ««»d reading stage the Agrieultorel Show in September. Tim length of the pertod London. May Ifi-The mm M the uUdlng tredea hav. .gain ndoeted
doi:10.25316/ir-9393 fatcat:o7hvbucghndkvbm5ju52usaxly