Study Of Attention Properties Of Younger Schoolchildren

Valentina Ivanovna Dolgova
2022 European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences   unpublished
The study involved primary school students aged 8-10 years (23 people). The experiment was carried out at Lyceum No. 102 of Chelyabinsk from September to November 2020. The authors used the following set of methods and techniques in the: theoretical methods were presented by analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem, synthesis; the empirical methods were presented by observation, ascertaining experiment, testing according to the methods: "Landolt
more » ... s", "Correction task" by B. Bourdon; mathematical and statistical -the Mann-Whitney test. A map was developed for monitoring the activities of a teacher, the activities of a student, as well as the dynamics of the development of attention. The data was recorded at each stage of a lesson. Testing allowed obtaining data on the levels of development of individual attention properties, and observation showed individual differences in the manifestation of attention in the learning process. A third of students had a low level of development of concentration, stability and distribution of attention. This indicated the weakness of voluntary attention and its low stability. It was quite difficult for younger students to focus their attention on monotonous and uninteresting activities for a long time. Low indicators of the level of attention indicated the need for purposeful implementation of special correctional and developmental work, which would expand the zone of proximal development and, in general, optimize the learning process.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2022.12.42 fatcat:m5mufxqisjdkndl4643pj4ct7m