Effects of Enzyme Complex Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Profiles and Economic Feed Cost in Growing Pigs
복합효소제의 첨가가 육성돈의 생산성, 영양소 소화율, 혈액성상 및 사료비용에 미치는 영향

Seong-Min Hong, Hae-Dong Jang, Hyo-Jin Kim, Jong-Sang Yoo, Je-Hyun Lee, In-Ho Kim
2011 Journal of Animal Science and Technology  
This study was conducted to evaluate effects of enzyme complex on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and feed cost in growing pigs. Ninety-six pigs [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc, 22.96 ± 0.79 kg average initial body weight] were used in 42d growth assay. Dietary treatments included:1) HC (high energy and nutrient density diet), 2) CON (control, basal diet), 3) CE1 (CON + 0.05% enzyme complex) and 4) CE2 (CON + 0.1% enzyme complex). Four pigs were allotted per pen with
more » ... ix replicate pens per treatment by completely randomized design. The ADG was higher in CE1 and CE2 treatments than CON treatment (P<0.05). The ADFI was linearly increased by CE treatments compared to HC treatment. The CE1 treatment had highest DM, N and GE digestibility (P<0.05). Digestibility of DM, N and GE were quadratic enhanced by enzyme complex level. No differences were found among treatments for creatinine and BUN. The enzyme complex treatments (CE1 and CE2) showed lower feed cost/body weight gain than HC treatment. In conclusion, enzyme complex can improve ADG and reduce feed cost/body weight gain when low energy diet was used. Furthermore adding 0.05% enzyme complex had highest nutrient digestibility. (
doi:10.5187/jast.2011.53.2.113 fatcat:za6enpaoerdulh76esl746aywi