Reports of Cases in Private Practice
D. Humphreys Storer
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
We noticed, a short time since, in a foreign Journal, the good effects of jltnir in cases aï burns. Some may, perhaps, be induced lo avail them* selves of a remedy which they have always at hand, by perusing the following cases, in which its operation was directly beneficial. Cask I.-On the 26th of November I was called upon at noon, to visit a child of Mrs. N.'s, in Essex St. This child, a fine girl, six months old, had been tied by its mother in a chair, while she went to a neighbor's, at a
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... ort distance. Returning in a few moments, she found the ¿nail' had lallen backwards, and the infant, unable to extricate itself, was lying with its head, upper part of back, and upper extremities, exposed to a large lire. The child was immediately snatched from the hearth, and while I was sent for, the individuals who were in the bouso covered the injured parts with the cat tau flag (Thypha latifolia),-When I arrived, the application had disguised, in a great degree, the extent el'ihe injury ; but the incessant shrieks and struggling, together with the appearance of those pails from which the retid had been removed, ami ihe description of the covered pails by those who had seen them before its application, left me but little hopes of its recovery. I determined, however, to do what I could, as soon as possible. Accordingly, calling for a drudging-box, all the parts affected were sprinkled with a thick coat of Hour. Relief"was im-It; ; the crying was diminished ; spasms became less frequent ; ami for a i'vw moments, Ute brenn was taken. Restlessness, however, scum returning, a small quantity of camphorated tincture of opium was exhibited, which allayed uneasiness for a few moments only. At tiie expiration of an hour, another opiate was exhibited, with temporary benefit. Towards night I called again. My patient swallowed milk readily from ihe spoon. All the parts from which Hour had been removed were covered again, which operation appeared grateful. At <), P.M. the child was seen for the third time. It was sinking rapidly. Inflammation bad extended over (bo whole left side of the lace, closing the eye of that side, and the breathing had become irregular and deep. In about hall'an hour, she died. When it is staled, that upon examination, the next morning, the whole surface of the cranium was found abraded, together with the back of the neck, and shoulders, as well as the greater part id' lit/llt arms and hands, while some of ihe finger S wore perfectly black, it will he acknowledged, we trust, that nothing in all human probability could have saved ilm child ; and also, that the decided relief afforded by our remedy, although but momentary it might have been, justifies in concluding that in less aggravated cases, it may be id' essential service, and is deserving of repeated trials before it is thrown aside as unworthy our confidence. Case II.-Since the above caso came under our treatment, we have seen a son of Mr. Lemon's, in Pleasant Street, wdio had fallen forward upon a heated stove. The cuticle was removed from the greater port of the neck under the chin. Flour was applied as in the preceding case, with immediate relief. On the fourth tlay (he part was perfectly healed over, and no inconvenience remained, except a troublesome itching, produced by the action of ex-