The "Signicef" ® use for prevention of postoperative infectious complications

Vadim Petrovich Nikolaenko, Mariya Valer'yevna Kataeva, Tat'yana Yur'yevna Panova
2014 Офтальмологические ведомости  
Purpose. To study the efficacy and the tolerability of "Signicef" when used during the early post-operative period after ophthalmic surgeries. Materials and methods. The treatment group consisted of 82 patients, in whom ophthalmic surgeries were performed. All patients received treatment of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications according to standard pattern that included instillations of "Signicef" eye drops. The anterior segment of the operated eye was examined every day until
more » ... from the hospital, as well as after 7 and 14 days after surgery. Results. There were no cases of purulent complications among the study group. No objective signs of infection or drug intolerance were observed. Conclusions. "Signicef" ensured an adequate prevention of infectious complications at early postoperative period and demonstrated a good tolerability in patients of the study group.
doi:10.17816/ov2014463-66 fatcat:dvewrgzezbgbhnla6257eewdp4