マアジ脂質に関する研究 V マアジ開き生干しの脂質の貯蔵中における変化
Rancidity of Lipids in Meat of Salted Semi-dried Horse Mackerel during Storage

The properties of lipids in fresh horse mackerels, Trachurus japonicus, and that in salted semidried products were compared immediately after manufacturing. The changes in properties of lipids in products during storage were also studied. Fresh fishes were washed, soaked in NaCl for 4 months. Acid value (AV), peroxide value (POV) and carbonyl value (COV) of total lipids (TL) which were extracted according to the procedure of BLIGH and DYER were measured. TL was separated into individual lipid
more » ... silicic acid column and thin layer chromatographies. Fatty acid composition of TL, neutral lipid fraction (NL) and compound lipid fraction (CL) were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. (1) TL contents in products were lower than those of fresh fish. (2) The ratio of 18:1 acid in TL, NL and CL of products was lower than that of fresh fish. (3) When the products were stored at AV, POV and COV of TL changed markedly. These values of the products stored showed little change. (4) In products decrease in CL contents and increases in free fatty acids (FFA) contents of TL were observed, but in products stored at little changes in CL and FFA contents of TL were observed. In products stored at 25, 8 and little change in fatty acid composition of TL and NL were observed. On the other hand, in products stored at decreases in the ratio of 22:6 acid of fatty acids of CL were observed, but in products stored at -little changes in fatty acid composition of CL were observed. (6) From the results we concluded that storage at was effective against rancidity for 4 months and storage was effective for one week, but storage had no effect.
doi:10.3136/nskkk1962.31.8_511 fatcat:75nvoj2v4jf57fyenoc47bjxva