Adherence to Treatment Recommendations in Chronic Disease: What is (im)Possible? Expert conclusions from the 30th ECOG workshop 2021

Michael Vallis, Emma Boyland, Margherita Caroli, Eva Erhardt, Marie Laure Frelut, Artur Mazur, Denes Molnar, Gabriel Torbahn, Susanne Ring-Dimitriou, Rasmus Stenlid, David Thivel, Elpis Vlachopapadopoulou (+2 others)
2022 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism  
Obesity is a chronic disease, in which treatment outcomes are highly dependent on patient and family adherence to behavioural recommendations. The role of healthy eating, physical activity, medication adherence as well as adherence to pre- and post-bariatric surgery protocols are of utmost importance for long-term treatment outcomes. Even the best interventions are not likely to reach their maximum benefit without significant levels of adherence on the part of the individual and family.
more » ... nally, the annual meeting of the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) includes an expert workshop addressing one specific topic within the field of childhood obesity. During the 30th annual meeting, hosted by the University of Pécs, Hungary, as a virtual meeting, "adherence to treatment recommendations in obesity as a chronic disease" was addressed. The discussions that developed during the workshop are summarized in the following article.
doi:10.1159/000526406 pmid:36037804 fatcat:p5exxtt3u5c4bj6f32rn7jaefe