The decay rate asymmetry of the top quark

Bohdan Grza̧dkowski, Wai-Yee Keung
1993 Physics Letters B  
The asymmetries A_k ≡ [Γ() -Γ()] /[Γ() + Γ()] in the partial widths of the top quark decays are discussed within the Standard Model (SM), the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) and supersymmetric extensions of the SM (SSM). The leading contributions to these asymmetries in the SM and in the 2HDM are induced by the up-type quark self-energy diagrams and are found to be very small. However, in the SSM, the asymmetry A_b can be substantial, O(α_QCD), provided the CP-violating phase of gluino-top-stop
more » ... ouplings is not suppressed. Within the SSM A_b is generated by the vertex corrections.
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(93)91761-b fatcat:se3cas3az5eoxdplv7bdgpidai