12. On the Nature of Fine Structure of Active Regions on the Sun

I. S. Shklovsky
1960 Transactions of the International Astronomical Union  
J O I N T D I S C U S S I O N 2 x io 13 cm -2 . Assuming H* to be io 8 cm, the scale height of the chromosphere, we get « 8 «2 x io 5 cm -3 , and hence w e w«/ w 8~5 x io 20 . However, for a wide range of temperature, i.e. for T = 5ooo° and 15,000°, we have «"« ( /K 8 = 8 X I O 1 8 and 6xio 1 9 . On the average there is a discrepancy of the order of 1/20. In order that this ratio should take plausible values, one would have to assume a very small thickness for the flare of the order of 50 km,
more » ... 20 the scale height of the chromosphere. The only plausible interpretation, it appears to us, is that the flare consists of a great many very thin thread-like condensations, i.e. lightnings, presumably distributed over the whole extension of the chromosphere.
doi:10.1017/s0251107x0002126x fatcat:sknjfy4qrzanxcrl7slfqanrk4