Pollution Prevention Thechnology in Graphic Arts Industry. Measures of Offset Inks Against Environment
印刷と環境 オフセットインキと環境対応

Toshimasa YAMANAKA
1998 Journal of Printing Science and Technology  
Environmental pollution has been progressed on the earth scale. In Japan, We have been concerned with problems of groval warming, dioxin, industrial waste disposal as imminent menaces. It is now necessary to take measures against environmental pollution from the side of printing inks. Oil-base offset inks have become popular to use aromatic free solvent, mainly the naphtenic. "Eco Mark" has been authorized to this type of ink. The use of soy ink which can make decrease V. O. C is still limited
more » ... n Japan. Clients which desinate to use soy ink together with recycled paper for the protection of environment will increase in the future. Paper containers have been adopted for ink cans which can be easily burned-up. They have good reputation.
doi:10.11413/nig1987.35.42 fatcat:mqd4qzbltvc5pirz25bvkniffi