Appearance-Based Virtual-View Generation for Fly Through in a Real Dynamic Scene [article]

Shigeyuki Baba, Hideo Saito, Sundar Vedula, Kong Man Cheung, Takeo Kanade
2000 EUROVIS 2005: Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization  
We present appearance-based virtual view generation which allows viewers to fly through a real dynamic scene. The scene is captured by synchronized multiple cameras. Arbitrary views are generated by interpolating two original camera-view images near the given viewpoint. The quality of the generated synthetic view is determined by the precision, consistency and density of correspondences between the two images. All or most of previous work that uses interpolation extracts the correspondences
more » ... these two images. However, not only is it difficult to do so reliably (the task requires a good stereo algorithm), but also the two images alone sometimes do not have enough information, due to problems such as occlusion. Instead, we take advantage of the fact that we have many views, from which we can extract much more reliable and comprehensive 3D geometry of the scene as a 3D model. The dense and precise correspondences between the two images, to be used for interpolation, are derived from this constructed 3D model. Our method of 3D modeling from multiple images uses the Multiple Baseline Stereo method and Shape from Silhouette method.
doi:10.2312/vissym/vissym00/179-188 fatcat:iucfaekbfjc2zm4ifuuc3buxgi