Study on the Network Externality of The Sharing Bikes

Li Wu
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference on Mechatronics, Computer and Education Informationization (MCEI 2016)   unpublished
In China, The sharing bikes have become the trend of the short-distance travel tools, especially in megacities. However, the study of shared bicycle literature is very scarce. This paper is going to use network externality theory and methods, so as to reveal the network externality of the new things. Though in many papers the network externality is a exogenous variable, we argued that network externality is the endogenous variables in the process of the sharing bikes. Finally, we made the
more » ... sion that the network externality is not exogenous. It can be an endogenous and the network externality is quite important for the sharing bikes industry.
doi:10.2991/mcei-16.2016.28 fatcat:c3eu3am4onaz5nwu3m3c3icvaq