Cactus Dahlia, Mrs. Francis Fell

1895 Scientific American  
CACTUS DAHLIA, MRS. FRANCIS FELL. As the result of the increased attention that raisers have of late years devoted to cactus dahlias a consider able number of varieties belonging to the section were submitted to public notice during the past season. As our reports of the several exhibitions and meetings will have shown, a large proportion of the novelties were so highly meritorious as to greatly enhance the value of the group of which Juarezi is the type for the creation of bold effects at the
more » ... ate summer and early autumn exhibitions and for supplying blooms for in door decorations. Chief among the novelties of the J citutific �tutticau. for decorations, and has the promise of becoming popu lar for market culture.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican02021895-75 fatcat:t2ckz4kqgzh6fmtgsz6vzxzely