Effectiveness of Life Skills Training Package (LSTP) on Academic Performance among Children Residing in Selected Orphanages, Tamil Nadu, India

Joseph Jeganathan K. Reddemma
2017 International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review  
Article Info Adolescence refers to the long transitional developmental period between childhood and adulthood and to a maturational developmental process involving major physical, psychological, cognitive, and social transformations. It is estimated that 153 million children worldwide, ranging from infants to teenagers, have lost one or both parents. Over 7 million children are in institutional care worldwide. Research studies have shown various psychosocial factors and skills deficits that are
more » ... the mediating to the development of various behavioral, psychological as well as health related problems among vulnerable children. Home, Tirunelvelli District, Tamil Nadu. Children with age twelve years to eighteen years old comprise the sample for the present study, totally 120 children were selected randomly, from the five selected orphanages and 60 children from the selected orphanages were assigned to experimental group, and 60 children to control group. Data was collected using Socio-demographic data sheet, and Academic record of the children. Then LSTP was administered to the experimental group and the post assessment data were collected at different time interval one week, one month, three month and six month after the intervention from both the groups. Majority in experimental group 68% and in control group, 53% children were in the age group between 12-14 years. In experimental group majority of the children were male 60%. Similarly in control group 58% were males.
doi:10.20546/ijcrar.2017.508.014 fatcat:6mhy2oopufglhj5a3uzx67frbq