Geophysical Characterization Of A Fractured-Bedrock Aquifer And Blast-Fractured Contaminant-Recovery Trench
J.W. Lane, F.P. Haeni, Susan Soloyanis, Gary Placzek, J.H. Williams, C.D. Johnson, M.L. Buursink, P.K. Joesten, K.D. Knutson
9th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems
Borehole-and surface-geophysical methods were used to characterize the hydrogeology and the effects of blast fracturing an in-situ recovery trench in a contaminated fractured-bedrock aquifer. The recovery trench is located at the former fire-training area of Loring Air Force Base in Aroostook County, Maine. Borehole-geophysical methods, used in six wells at the site, included video, acoustic televiewer, heat-pulse flowmeter under nonpumping and low-rate pumping conditions, natural gamma,
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... magnetic induction, tluid temperature and conductivity, caliper, deviation, and borehole radar. Borehole radar was used in a single-hole reflection configuration with directional and non-directional 60-MHz (megahertz) antennas and in a cross-hole tomography configuration with 22-MHz antennas. One surface-geophysical method, azimuthal square-array direct-current resistivity, also was used. Geophysical surveys were conducted before and after blast fracturin, 0 the recovery trench. Integrated interpretation of the geophysical data collected before blasting indicates that most transmissive fractures are steeply dipping and are oriented northeast and southwest. Analysis of azimuthal square-array-resistivity data indicates that the secondary porosity of the fractured-bedrock aquifer is about I percent. The borehole-geophysical data and crosshole radar tomography data indicate that more fractures are present in the upper 20 to 25 m (meters) of bedrock than in bedrock below this depth. Interpretation of the geophysical data collected after blast fracturing the recovery trench indicates that the blast created an intensely fractured zone about 3 m wide, 26 m deep, along the 50-m length of the recovery trench. Blast-induced porosity in the recovery trench is estimated from the borehole-radar data to be 13.5+ 5 percent at the midpoint of the trench, decreasin, u to 7.3+ 6 percent at the northwestern end. Post-blast effects on the hydrology of the area adjacent to the recovery trench include (1) a decline in static water levels, (2) order-ofmagnitude increases in upward flow in two wells, (3) reversal of flow directions in two wells, (4) order-of-magnitude increases in the estimated transmissivity of three wells, and (5) an estimated increase in aquifer secondary porosity to 2 percent near the trench. The increase in secondary porosity is estimated on the basis of azimuthal square-array resistivity data collected over the recovery trench and cross-hole tomography collected parallel to but outside the trench. These effects are consistent with increased porosity and permeability in the blast-fractured recovery trench and with increased fracture transmissivity near the recovery trench. The increased fracture transmissivity resulted from an apparent hydraulic cleaning that occurred when water was ejected out of wells near the trench during the blast. ' U.S. Geological Survey ' The MITRE Corporation