Problems of the religious life of present-day Ukraine

Anatolii M. Kolodnyi
2013 Ukrainian Religious Studies  
For almost three years, Ukraine has the power of Viktor Yanukovych, the power of Donetsk in all its branches. It does not take much time to do some far-reaching conclusions about its activities. It is no longer easy to break or rebuild the two decades of independence, which has been established for two decades of independence, and sometimes it should not be done, because not everything that was possible can be denoted by a minus sign. This can be said about the sphere of religious life of
more » ... e, about the freedom of religion established in it, which was recognized by the world until the years of Yushchenko's presidency as one of the most democratic systems of state-church relations.
doi:10.32420/2013.65.208 fatcat:l43w45rcnrgspoeez75qh7gdku