METAN: a learning system for training of engineers to material observation and analysis METAN: a learning system for training of engineers to material observation and analysis

Jean-Luc Wybo, Evelyne Darque-Ceretti, Pierre Marcenac, Pierre Crescenzo, Jean Luc Wybo, Evelyne Darque-Ceretti, Pierre Marcenac, Pierre Crescenzo
1994 CALISCE 1994 (International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering)   unpublished
To cite this version: Jean-Luc Wybo, Evelyne Darque-Ceretti, Pierre Marcenac, Pierre Crescenzo. METAN: a learning system for training of engineers to material observation and analysis. Abstract This paper proposes an implementation of a learning system for training of engineers to material observation and analysis. First, we present the objectives of this application. Then, we propose a decomposition of the system in modules and we describe the knowledge representation and the software
more » ... ure. Last, we illustrate the architecture by giving an example of the tutoring session.