Alcoholic Hepatitis with Hyperleukocytosis

Yasuo KOYAMA, Masami IMOTO, Yoshihide FUKUDA, Isao NAKANO, Masami HATTORI, Fumihiro URANO, Dominique A. MUZZILLO, Daisaku NISHIMURA, Katsumoto KATO, Masaki KANZAKI
1991 Japanese Journal of Medicine  
We report a fatal case of alcoholic hepatitis with hyperleukocytosis mainly consisting of mature granulocytes in a 43-year-old woman. White blood cell count was increased in parallel with clinical deterioration to 54,800/mm3 with no immature neutrophils on a differential count. The bone marrow aspirate revealed normal maturation and no evidence of hematological malignancy. It has been postulated that severe leukocytosis accompanied by alcoholic hepatitis may be provoked by release of high
more » ... of colony stimulating factor from damaged hepatic cells. However, the present patient showed a normal level of serum granulocyte colony stimulating factor, and could not prove the above assumption.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine1962.30.473 fatcat:64djiqoknjgudj6dlbzymlysxi