1B1-H6 The Human Brain : The Ultimate Tool for Mathematical Creativity

Linda Jensen Sheffield
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science  
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awakenjoy in creative expression and knowledge. -Albert Einstein 0veryiew Creative solutions to a variety of unforeseen problems that are posed after an innovative analysis of ever-changing situations are more important than ever before in history, When U. S, students Cand often their teachers) think about creativity, mathematics is not often the first subject that comes to mind, however. Becoming a creative mathematician may require years ofmathematical
more » ... tudy, but even young children can apply creativity techniques to mathematical problems in ways that can help them become powerfu1, productive, and passionate mathematicians. Note that enjoyment and passion fbr solving complex mathematical problems are important components in becoming creative mathematicians, Brain Plasticity Long before modern tools were available to image brain functions, Binet noted that intelligence can be increased with training and experience. The same can be said of mathematical creativity. Students can learn to be mathematically creative, and their brains will change and grow as they tackle diencult problems creatively,
doi:10.14935/jssep.33.0_133 fatcat:lyhyhv4flnb3ncpogwreyamgnq