Analysis of Genetic Relationships Between Various Populations of Domestic and Jungle Fowl Using Microsatellite Markers

M. N. Romanov, S. Weigend
2001 Poultry Science  
The genomes of domestic and jungle fowl populations maintained in Ukraine and Germany were screened using microsatellites as molecular markers. Genetic variation and genetic distances between strains of different origins and performance potentials were determined. In total, 224 individuals of 20 populations were genotyped for 14 microsatellite markers covering 11 linkage groups. Of the 14 microsatellite loci, the number of alleles ranged between 2 and 21 per locus, the mean number of alleles
more » ... ng 11.2 per locus. By using Nei's standard distance and the Neighbor-Joining method, a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed; its topology reflected general patterns of relatedness and genetic differentiation among (Abbreviation Key: ABG1, ABG2 = Australorp Black, two German populations; ABU = Australorp Black, Ukrainian population; BK1, BK2, BK3 = three Bergische Kräher populations; BS1, BS2, BS3 = three Bergische Schlotterkämme populations; L1, L2 = two commercial layer (Lohmann) lines; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; RW = Ramelsloher White; UB = Ukrainian Bearded; WT = Westfälische Totleger; YC = Yurlov Crower.
doi:10.1093/ps/80.8.1057 pmid:11495455 fatcat:rteckxiw6rh6pboc2hbyc6jdj4