How Does Interferon-Alpha Exert Its Antitumour Activity in Multiple Myeloma?

Dan Grandér
2000 Acta Oncologica  
The interferons (IFNs) have become accepted therapy in a range of hematological and non-hematological malignancies. One malignancy where IFN has demonstrated antitumour activity is multiple myeloma, where monotherapy with IFN-a yields a response rate of around 15%. It has also been suggested that myeloma patients may bene® t from the addition of IFN-a in induction therapy and:or as maintenance treatment. The mechanism behind IFNs antitumour action in myeloma is, however, highly unclear. This
more » ... bably means that current treatment regimens including IFN are far from optimal, since for example we do not know what factors that are responsible for resistance to IFN therapy in the individual patient, and furthermore we lack optimal tools to design new treatment strategies including IFN. The IFNs are capable of modulating a variety of cellular responses. One prominent effect being their cell growth inhibitory activity through induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, which has also been suggested to be of major importance in IFNs antitumour action. In the present review possible antitumour mechanisms will be discussed, with the focus on ways that IFN may restrict myeloma cell growth.
doi:10.1080/028418600750063532 pmid:11145436 fatcat:o64sakts5rgfnltzz5bcnrndpa