Synthesis distortion estimation in 3D video using frequency and spatial analysis

Lu Fang, Ngai-Man Cheung, Dong Tian, Anthony Vetro, Huifang Sun, Lu Yu
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
We propose an analytical model to estimate the synthesized view quality in 3D video. Specifically, we estimate the depth-error induced distortion using an approach that combines frequency and spatial domain analysis. We also propose to decompose the spatial-variant video signals into gradient-based representations to capture the interaction between image gradients, depth errors and synthesis distortion. Experiment results with video sequences and coding/rendering tools used in MPEG 3DV
more » ... s show that our analytical model can accurately estimate the synthesis noise power. ABSTRACT We propose an analytical model to estimate the synthesized view quality in 3D video. Specifically, we estimate the depth-error induced distortion using an approach that combines frequency and spatial domain analysis. We also propose to decompose the spatial-variant video signals into gradient-based representations to capture the interaction between image gradients, depth errors and synthesis distortion. Experiment results with video sequences and coding/rendering tools used in MPEG 3DV activities show that our analytical model can accurately estimate the synthesis noise power.
doi:10.1109/icip.2013.6738654 dblp:conf/icip/FangCTVSY13 fatcat:bi73wbawwva3hnmzesa5nddt6u