Validation of the hdm models forcrack initiation and development, rutting and roughness of the pavement

Slobodan Ognjenović, Ivona Nedevska, Andrey Pustovgar, V. Murgul
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Worldwide practice recommends validation of the HDM models with some other software that can be used for comparison of the forecasting results. The program package MATLAB is used in this case, as it enables for modelling of all the HDM models. A statistic validation of the results of the forecasts concerning the condition of the pavements in HDM with the on-field measuring results was also performed. This paper shall present the results of the validation of the coefficients of calibration of
more » ... deterioration models in HDM 4 on the Macedonian highways.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201710602022 fatcat:lvws7nxybzbxvh5rcaqvfjvnj4