Performance in the Swedish scholastic aptitude test: Structural stability across background variables

Gebrenegus Ghilagaber
This paper examines the first three subtests in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (Hogskoleprovet) with respect to structural stability across three background variables namelysex, age and educational level of examinees. Analysis of results from the October 1991~test+ by means of LISREL models shows that while the structure in general, and the error variances in particular, are stable across age groups and educational levels, the factor structure and particularly the factor correlations
more » ... r between males and females. Overall the findings of the paper challenge the-traditional method of evaluation which is based on the total number of correct scores.
doi:10.17045/sthlmuni.14806722.v1 fatcat:7vjwghz3lnctnfusjmvtszjvn4