
1693 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London  
C 935 5 he affirms to be an Excrementitiou , by Nature* fecreted in its proper Follkule near the Anus of an Ank mal of the D o g -k i n d,and not the Sperm, as fome have aflerted. Caftor he proves to be the Scent Jags adjoyning to the Intejlinum R e t h m , and not the left ides of the B e a v e r, as fome aflert. In the Fourth and laft Book our Author takes rice, that the Sal Armniac of the Shops is a fa&ious&f/r made of Human Vrine> S o o t
doi:10.1098/rstl.1693.0071 fatcat:gg2xlpx35zbxtg5hy3gmaxdsr4