Analysis of the Economic Feasibility of a Monorail on Mt. Bomun on Daejeon
신교통수단 모노레일의 관광지 도입에 대한 경제적 타당성 분석 -보문산 일대를 중심으로-

Myungsoo Kim
2013 Journal of the Korean society for railway  
Recently, CO2 reduction policies are being promoted as parts of ESSD(Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development), and many local governments are interested in monorails as a new means of transport. Here we report on a feasibility study for introducing a monorail system by considering the travel demands in the Mt. Bomun area in Daejeon, based on the area's population. The feasibility of a monorail system on Mt.Bomun varies with respect to the demographic scale, mode shares, and
more » ... distances. The strategies introduced here will help identify any tourist spots where local governments are trying to introduce monorail systems as a new system of transit.
doi:10.7782/jksr.2013.16.3.226 fatcat:vxwoiiq6jnhrjddjzc5rf25bku