The Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, November 15, 1915]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Milan. Tim Paria. Not. 16-An aceonnt of the rownt OgbtlnR boforr Babuna pai warded bjr Corrirta Della Sera, aaya the Bnlgartaaa were twenty thouaand atrong. aad tba Berblana ala tbonaand. Tbe Serbian! fell back and aet np tbelr dafenoa -where tbe road narrowi near Abdl Paaa. at an eleratlon of 2000 (eat. The Serbian eotnmander. Col. French line *aa extended to aupport X wei;;,;;!;; K ■ adranee aa far 4 'F • where be fell n f breea. ameahln V . O' eea BMond lini tbe Bnlgarlana to An Attack.
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... ed. gad aaeond llnea with bayoneta aad ' drlTlng the Bulgartaaa beyond Kot-, i. Peru, Not. 16-Tbe Trench war i*' •ffiea tble afternoon gare out tut on tbe progreea of taUtilitiea In tbe aaat which reada: f -On Not. IS-we made progreai Se the north of RabroTo. Balgaiian troopa dellTered a tIo-iBt attack along tbe entire front on aaleft beak of the rirer Cernr. The' MN driTon back anth hexTy loaMtt.-■; l-te aecounu howerer were to .JO effect that the haTing unch the better of the TetoTo atrng-L.e and that tbe Bnlgara were in oerlom dlaorder. AlmMSoOe. The French, too are progreaalng in >he Vole. dUtrict. The town U aald ■o be in momwiury danger of capture -y the Bnlgara. Th4 Brliiah operat ■ig la an excottllngiy difficult um. ory. are advancing more alowly. The Serb'a prime object U to bend ^k the Bulgar right wing aad efect a bnctlon with tlmir countryaen. whom the Anatro-Oermana baaing from the north. Inddenuily the turning of 4-. -.nlgaw-right flank will .ult Franco, ^rltlah pnrpoaea bat If theae are read trlght her. the Fiwneh and ffngiuh Im not tt> much at a drlT. atralghi :orthward aa they do at gaining iol of tba Nlah-Salonlkl railroad " 'akub. wbesoe It U bellered theT rill awing to tbe oonectlag rail lint the Bulgar capiul. Sofia. French r:-, Not. 14-Balgar front along a alxty-mlle line b Southern Serbia. The battle ragta fr« the Velea diatrict. on tbe Var-•dar rtrar aad NUh-Saloalkl railroad, to the Dtoran lake region aoutb ol the Belgarlaa town of Strumnitaa. The Brltlah are engaged In the Dolran lake -dlatrtct. The French are doing the fighting about Velea. Midmay between tb< two poinu be tBrltiah left aad FMCh right touch with each other. Between the French left and the «eib Tight to the nortbweat b a ^brenk. For the Serb-, aafety there an* Mkiaty.early tof campaign U aa tea to one. U)ndoa. Not. I6-Renewed l _ are. are reported among tba populalion of Monaatir la Southern SerbU pwlag to the Urge Bulgarian force now threatenUg Ua PerUpe front Babuna region, altbongb the altua-•lon U Babuna paaa aad Kntchlnak defile U nid to be unchanged. It U reported that three Oerman bmarUea are naUg the Bulgarian barber of Varna a. a boee. dlan Pioneer. 1, to be rabed on Van-eoUTmUUnd. It b to be formed order to give the patent Arganl Uon the O.C. Of which b U.-Col. B. Hodglna of Victoria, andi which hM beea -recrultml to full -rtr«,gth aod now u la training U Winnipeg permanent of twlnforc.: »nu. While no laUmatioB b ret wiid Mlt°L?* Poacd unit It b expected that It number about If6. The aam. , officer who will kuTe command who will be reapopMbU for the tr^u" Ing of the rewrrea. baa not been an nonneed. The mme eppUe. to the option of theb hemlquartera hronghCol.HodsliM.tellow.; .f S"^lil'7ew'*d5^r?or'"t£*""" The company will be recraltad md trained In BrltlMi ColambK with '•adqaertar. oa VaMouTer t«t»-Jid from time to time drafu.wui be >ent to tMnforce tbe regiment a front "Manj men adalmbir anited iloneer work were d.barr«l from •olntog the eorp. owing to their belay "lore Tacanttea. The artablbhof tbb baee company will now »ff0rd them the opportunity mid It • fully expected that the high ttanf lard already obUUUg U t WMMMIBJGflOOflflClilli mmmmm mmmsii The following extract from a____ ^ Of Paaadeaa. Cel., will 1>e read '*** """y frlenda ol ; t ^ ^ "" **"• ' B OooO t Caaoa Oood wa. rector of Nanaimo F. 0. Peio and Mr. Jack Cxto and Mra. John B. Oood or U7 Beet Walnut atrwet. Paaedena. ____ . • »8th wadding flftarday. Not. e^ln the dm W nr poaaibb. departing Arom JJJI'fMagl euatom by marking tbelt ^ with a family gathering Tim amral home yeaterday ot Mr -Si,**'*-Keaneu of Soutl ■ ufforded much pleaa-M to Canon mid Mra. Oood. grand 2*r^to* Kennett. formerly . Kennett hare Uken deUghUui trip to BrItUh Col-«Wb to Tialt the latter'a parenu *'» «dMra. F. o. Peto. ij«t will be mautalned by thorn tSarlag ta aalbt •'Dlreetly final arrangomeirt. hart •teen made a notice will be pubUah «I in tbe prom fad recraitUg com menced." The firut CaaadUa Pioneer Corpr b reported, b meking Tery eaUebetory progreee with ib trelnlng at Winnipeg aad the O.C. b UokUg tor ward to laeTiag tor KagUad at an mrly data.