Determinação de isotiocianato de benzila em Carica papaya utilizando cromatografia gasosa com detectores seletivos

Izabela Miranda de Castro, Marianna Ramos dos Anjos, Elba dos Santos de Oliveira
2008 Química Nova  
Recebido em 6/8/07; aceito em 3/7/08; publicado na web em 5/11/08 DETERMINATION OF BENZYL ISOTHIOCYANATE IN Carica papaya USING GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY WITH SELECTIVES DETECTORS. In the present work, a method was developed and validated for the quantification of benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) in the fruits of Carica papaya. The quantification of this compound was carried out by gas chromatography (GC) with selective detectors -nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) and flame photometric detector (FPD).
more » ... performance of these detectors showed a higher sensitivity of the NPD with a broader linear range of detection. The LOD/LOQ were 0.038/0.100 µg/mL for NPD and 5.78/19.29 µg/mL for FPD. The recovery of the method for BITC was 90,64%. An average value of BITC concentration in all the analyzed samples was 16,23 µg BITC/g.
doi:10.1590/s0100-40422008000800007 fatcat:bhc66xd2uvcgfiauknzupjnlpm