Application of reservoir characterization and advanced technology to improve recovery and economics in a lower quality shallow shelf San Andres reservoir. Quarterly progress report, April 1--June 30, 1997 [report]

A.R. Taylor, T.S. Hickman, J.J. Justice
1997 unpublished
550 West Texas Street Suite 950 Midland, Tx. 79701 the early 1940's and produces oil under a solution gas drive mechanism from t h e San Andres formation at approximately 4800 ft. The field has been under waterflood for 30 years and a significant portion has been infill-drilled on 20-ac density. A 1982-86 pilot CO, injection project in t h e offsetting South Welch Unit yielded positive results. Recent installation of a CO, pipeline near t h e field allowed t h e phased development of a miscible CO, injection project at the South Welch Unit.
doi:10.2172/661341 fatcat:kkfahd35prakdkvswrivdlajfe