Energy Performance of Office Buildings in Ghana

C Koranteng
2010 Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)  
The parametrical measures that could improve the thermal performance of a sample of five existing buildings in Kumasi, Ghana were explored through a simulation application. These buildings are representative of the majority of existing low-rise office buildings in Kumasi and house different functions (university offices, private companies, municipal offices, etc.). The applied cooling systems typically involve split air-conditioning units. The simulation models were calibrated using indoor and
more » ... xternal environmental conditions measured over a period of 12 months. This process led to a consistency of the simulation results which demonstrate that the use of efficient windows and natural ventilation can improve the buildings' energy performance. Explicitly, combined scenarios of efficient windows, natural ventilation, attic floor insulation and efficient electrical lighting resulted in a significant reduction (between 25 and 45%) of the buildings' cooling loads. a tool in design decision making pertaining to energy-efficient buildings.
doi:10.4314/just.v30i2.60542 fatcat:4awxe75mtjh4pj63m7b2rit6ie