Spatially Multiplexing of Metasurface for Manipulating the Focused Trefoil and Cinquefoil Vector Light Field

Rui Sun, Chuanfu Cheng, Ruirui Zhang, Xiangyu Zeng, Yu Zhang, Manna Gu, Chunxiang Liu, Hong Ma, Qian Kong, Chen Cheng
2021 Nanomaterials  
The trefoil and cinquefoil vector field are of essential significance for fundamental topology properties as the Hopf link and trefoil knots in the light field. The spatially multiplexing metasurfaces were designed with two sets of periodical nanoslits arranged alternately, each had independent geometric spiral phases and metalens phases to produce and focus vortex of the corresponding circular polarized (CP) light. By arranging the orientations of the two slit sets, the two CP vortices of the
more » ... esired topological charges were obtained, the superposition of the vortices were realized to generate the vector field. With the topological charges of the vortices set to one and two, and three and two, respectively, the focused trefoil and cinquefoil vector light fields were acquired. The work would be important in broadening the applications of metasurface in areas as vector beam generations and topology of light field.
doi:10.3390/nano11040858 pmid:33801680 fatcat:lambenef6navzgiy2trgptkp6u