J2240405 Effect of Microscopic Structure on Fatigue Slip Band Formation in Copper Polycrystalline Nano-component
J2240405 ナノ多結晶銅の疲労すべり帯形成に及ぼす微視組織の影響([J224-04]『マイクロ・ナノ機械の信頼性』のための材料創製・測定・解析技術 金属および酸化物の強度と破壊)

2014 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a nano − scale stress − field on fatigue damage in a nano − copper component under fu] ly − reversed loading. A resonant fatigue experiment is carried out for a cantilever micro − specimen that has a polycrystalline nano −Cu sandwiched by Si, Ti and SiN. Crystallographic slip bands associated With extrusion / intrusion of about 30 nm width , which is much finer than that in the bulk copper ( 1 pm ) , are fermed on the Cu surface .
more » ... ed stress analysis , taking into account the Cu grains and surrounding dissimilar materials ( Si , Ti, SiN ) , indicates that they are fbrmcd at a slip system with the highest resolved shear stress, which is in
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2014._j2240405- fatcat:bvhowmrar5cflmnznfz26utjau