Many-body dynamics of a Bose system with attractive interactions on a ring

Weibin Li, Xiaotao Xie, Zhiming Zhan, Xiaoxue Yang
2005 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We investigate the many-body dynamics of an effectively attractive one-dimensional Bose system confined in a toroidal trap. The mean-field theory predicts that a bright-soliton state will be formed when increasing the interparticle interaction over a critical point. The study of quantum many-body dynamics in this paper reveals that there is a modulation instability in a finite Bose system correspondingly. We show that Shannon entropy becomes irregular near and above the critical point due to
more » ... ntum correlations. We also study the dynamical behavior of the instability by exploring the momentum distribution and the fringe visibility, which can be verified experimentally by releasing the trap
doi:10.1103/physreva.72.043615 fatcat:usw4ksihnjgkbgt6rze4l2olie