Delayed range-gating super-resolution imaging lidar with high accuracy

Long Wu Long Wu, Yong Zhang Yong Zhang, Lu Cao Lu Cao, Ning Zhao Ning Zhao, Jie Wu Jie Wu, Yuan Zhao Yuan Zhao
2012 Chinese Optics Letters (COL)  
We present a range-gating delayed detection super-resolution imaging lidar with high accuracy based on the signal intensities of three consecutive delay samples. The system combines the range and signal intensity information from multi-pulse detections to calculate the pulse peak position under the assumption of a Gaussian pulse shape. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm effectively calculates pulse peak position and exhibits excellent accuracy with super-resolution.
more » ... cy analysis shows that accuracy is best improved by enhancing signal-to-noise ratio, strategically selecting samples, reducing pulse width, and appropriately choosing the delayed periods between samples.
doi:10.3788/col201210.122802 fatcat:r4hjnm5rbvhrne2zrxqkdwqbqe