Station correction analysis for surface-wave magnitudes of New Zealand earthquakes

D. A. Rhoades, D. J. Dowrick
1999 Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering  
Station terms and standard errors are presented for 345 world-wide stations used in the determination of surface-wave magnitudes of 190 selected New Zealand earthquakes over the period 1901-1993 [1]. These will facilitate the estimation of surface-wave magnitudes of other earthquakes in the New Zealand region. The station terms and the residuals from the linear model used to estimate them are both found to be weakly related to the mean distance from the earthquakes recorded by each station. The
more » ... horizontal and vertical components at a given site are treated as separate stations. The station term for the horizontal component tends to exceed that for the vertical component at mean distances in the 20°-40° range.
doi:10.5459/bnzsee.32.1.21-29 fatcat:vnvfof33zvestpwysgzwhlfu5q