Investigation into the Fine Grinding of Limestone with a Super Centrifugal Mill

Naoya KOTAKE, Kiyohiro ENDO, Ikkou SATO, Susumu GUNJI, Yasuyoshi SEKINE, Hiroaki KEZUKA
2010 International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources  
This study presents results from a study of fine grinding in limestone conducted using a super centrifugal mill (SC-mill), a type of circular stirred mill. The effects of the operational conditions in the SCmill such as rotor speed, grinding time, the mass of the grinding media, and the mass of the feed sample on the fine grindability of limestone were investigated for 0.5 and 0.8 mm grinding media. The results suggest that the mass and the specific surface area of the fine particles produced
more » ... the SC-mill could be expressed as functions of the operational conditions mentioned above for the respective grinding media size. Figure 1 Grinding vessel of SC-mill.
doi:10.5188/ijsmer.17.9 fatcat:36bd2qhrd5ge7bqkort24rutu4