Detection of Surface of the Road using Depth Sensor on the Pan-Tilt Unit for an Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot

Takayuki Matsuda, Naoki Hatakeyama, Masahiro Takimura, Masahiro Wada, Masahiro Tanaka, Tomohiro Umetani, Minoru Ito
2014 Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applications  
This paper shows a basic method to detect the surface of the road using a depth sensor and tracking method for keeping a sensing level using a pan-tilt unit on an inverted pendulum mobile robot. In our mobile robot system, the pitch angle of the robot is not always constant because of only two wheels, and the data from the sensors are affected by it. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain precisely their posture such as position and angles. In this study, a basic approach of detection of the
more » ... ce of the road using tracking control method by a pan-tilt unit is shown. Furthermore, in order to realize a precise tracking control method, swing motion using real data obtained from the mobile robot is also predicted by an ARX process.
doi:10.5687/sss.2014.389 fatcat:gfvayf22czdbxa67pxsoj6iex4