
Nico Janssens, Lieven Desmet, Sam Michiels, Pierre Verbaeten
2004 Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Adaptive and reflective middleware -  
Recent evolution in computer networks clearly demonstrates a trend towards complex and dynamic networks. To fully exploit the potential of such heterogeneous and rapidly evolving networks, it is essential for the protocol stacks of the connected devices to adapt themselves at runtime as the environment changes in which they execute. This illustrates the need for employing programmable (i.e. adaptable) network nodes. In this paper, we concentrate on deploying pointto-point based distributed
more » ... ces in programmable protocol stacks. More in detail, we examine safe runtime adaptations of such services so as to preserve service consistency in programmable networks. This has resulted in the development of the NeCoMan (Network Consistency Management) middleware, a generic distributed coordination platform responsible for safe addition, replacement and removal of pointto-point services among programmable nodes. The novelty of this reflective middleware is in its ability to improve the effectiveness of the deployment process. This is achieved by customizing the deployment process depending on the properties of both the network service that will be deployed and the underlying execution environment.
doi:10.1145/1028613.1028626 dblp:conf/middleware/JanssensDMV04 fatcat:26elktoqpbfg3chk7zagqmoqrm