The Dilemma and Outlet of Curriculum Construction in Legal Clinic —The Perspective of Local Application Teaching University

Dong WANG, Jing-Fang ZHENG
2019 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
Legal clinic courses of local application teaching universities should be strengthened according to their own conditions and local circumstances. The plight of curriculum construction includes unclear positioning, imperfect teaching conditions, inadequate source of cases and imperfect evaluation system and so on. The legal clinic courses should be positioned as a compulsory course in law specialty. It should be to improve teaching conditions, to expand the source to enrich the teaching content,
more » ... to establish and perfect the system of curriculum evaluation.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/icssm2018/27131 fatcat:xdpnkgk67nd25mmdgqajliaa34