A Single-Phase Type-Boost Integrated Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications

Tan-Tai Tran, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea, Minh-Khai Nguyen, Seong-Ha Oh, Pil-Ju Ko, Geum-Bae Cho
2018 Journal of Clean Energy Technologies  
Photovoltaic, fuel cell, and wind energy are renewable energy sources that generate their power at very low voltage. Therefore, the distributed generation (DG) systems are powered by micro sources such as fuel cells, photovoltaic and wind energy are unsuitable for grid connection directly without transformer. Therefore, this paper proposes a single phase type-boost integrated inverter (TBII) that merges a dc-dc boost converter and a dc-ac inverter in a single-stage. In the inverter, one of the
more » ... -bridge legs is shared with a boost converter. AC output voltage of the inverter can be higher than the dc source voltage. This paper shows the operating principles and analysis of the single phase type boost integrated inverter. Also, A pulse width modulation strategy is shown to control the inverter. Simulation results by PSIM software are shown to verify the operating principle of the inverter.  Index Terms-H-bridge inverter, dc-dc boost converter, single stage dc-ac converter, photovoltaic system. electrical engineering from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, in 2005, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
doi:10.18178/jocet.2018.6.1.429 fatcat:a4p6yod7xfgkjc6oef6ayccrbu